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The Art of Drawing and Painting has come of age…

Traditional pencil and paper still stands firm, unmoved by all the technologies that can be deployed to do what drawing paper and pencil in the hand of a gifted talent can do. 

Nothing can really replace the brush, paint and canvass in creative hands. Not Photoshop, not Adobe Illustrator, nor any drawing and painting software. Not even the spray gun with its fine set of sprays can take away the expert hand with intuitive and inspired brush stroke.

However, with the advent of the Cell Phone, and all the accompanying software for communication: emails, Whatsapp chat boxes, Blackberry, and so many others, ART too has found its way into the modern technology.

There are dozens of professional drawing apps you can download easily from the Google Play Store. Most of these drawing apps,however require professional handling, and not so easily manipulated by any ordinary person. 

So we thought, heck not everybody is an artist, how about building a Simple, Basic Drawing and Painting Android Application that ANYBODY can use with ease? So we came up with aRt2Day. Research has shown us that Kids love aRt2Day! We also discovered that the best way to teach a kid about a thing, is to let them Draw and Paint it!

That is why aRt2Day is the best Fun Drawing and Painting and Learning for the Family.

Now you can DRAW, PAINT and even draw and paint on pictures…

Have fun drawing and painting with Art2day  anp available on Google Play Store….

Art2day is simple and rally easy to use….

You can download it from the Google Play Store for just $1.00

Go here now to DOWNLOAD your own aRt2Day from the Google Play Store